In preparation for the big weekend, Brendan and I decorated some Easter cupcakes. He had so much fun... Let me tell you, marshmallows are very difficult to work with when they are cut - just like super glue!

First off, Frank, Anna and Nakita came on Thursday for dinner and to spend the night with us from the great state of WI. It's been a couple years since they've been here and how the girls have grown! Frank, well, he hasn't grown up much ;) Shortly after they got here Donna and Herb joined the party.

The kids were so cute sitting at their little tables for the meals!

After dinner, we 'unvieled' the masterpieces!

I'd say they were a hit with Anna ;)

The boys live to 'wrestle up' Grandpa Herb when they visit. The girls jumped right in and joined in the fun. Good thing Herb is durable!

Nakita lost her first tooth during the was loose before, just needed a little after dinner activity to get it out!

Frank relaxing after a hard day!

It was cool to see how great all the kids got along - having four kids here was easier than having just our two! Here Nakita and Brendan are playing Uno.

Friday morning we headed out to enjoy on of the warmest weekends of spring so far. The kids got right to work out in the playset and quickly enlisted Herbs help - Nakita would fill the pail, give it to Herb, he would hand it up to Brendan and then Brendan and Aiden would pour it down the slide... there is no end to the creativity around here!

Meanwhile, Anna tried out the tractor... She has a little ways to go before she gets her license - good thing ;) Her and Aiden were zipping all around the circle out front - making me a little nervous at times, but no serious injuries and they had tons of fun.

Wellyn was able to leave work a little early on Friday which made Brendan super happy since HE COULD OPEN HIS PRESENTS!

Aiden modeling his new sunglasses from Grandpa Herb.

Colin, Stacey and Ellie got in late of Friday making Saturday morning extra fun. Here they are waiting on breakfast... think they were hungry? ;)

One thing about Ellie, that girl is just full of smiles! She sure loves rocking and bouncing - and being on a swing!

Brendan modeling his soccer socks and shirt from Spain! Colin and Stacey picked them up for him while over visiting her sister, Sara (Hi Sara!).

A little morning playtime outside before lunches and naps!

Brendan talked Auntie Stacey into helping him put together one of his lego sets! The kid eats, drinks, sleeps and dreams LEGOS...

The weekend wouldn't have been complete without coloring some eggs.

Followed by a 'little' sugar ;)

Wellyn enlisted the help of Colin and Herb to make the race track for the lego party. Now I seem to always get the blame/credit for crazy ideas - this one is all them! Leave a few guys in the garage with tools and wood and you never know what will happen... turns out it was fabulous! They even decided to use stencils and paint it - it will be the coolest race track ever. We figured Colin was going the extra mile so it's done when their baby boy decides to have lego car races! hehehe

We headed back out Saturday afternoon to get some more fresh air and sun. Ellie is just the cutest - she was having so much fun playing in the sand (I wish I would have gotten a picture of her putting the sand in her mouth though!), sliding and swinging. I think her mommy and daddy need to get her a playset ;)

Brendan giving her a little ride around the yard.

Grandma and Grandpa taking a little break in the sun... nothing like a holiday weekend to tucker you out!

And finally, Easter morning came... Brendan was up early scoping out all where the 'bunny' hid all the eggs and candy. Didn't take him and Aiden long to start filling up their candy baskets! They made sure Ellie got some every now and then, although she was pretty content walking around with two little wrapped chocolate eggs in each hand... yeah, after a while those get pretty soft!

Someday I'm sure he'll wonder why he gets two baskets the years Colin and Stacey are here and only one when it's just us...

And lucky for you guys, we lost the rest of our Easter Sunday photos due to a camera malfunction... I'm trying to find a way to salvage them though so watch out!
Please keep Donna in your thoughts and prayers as she is recovering from a deep brain stimulation implant put in the Monday after Easter. We hope she is feeling better soon!
And if you want me to keep posting, you might have to comment or email every now and then... I'm considering holding my funny pictures 'hostage' ;) You know who you are out there! LOL
I am a loyal commenter!! We had a great weekend with you guys...p.s. the house in our neighborhood is still for sale if you want to give it any additional thought - remember, 4 is easier than 2 (we will add up to 4 come August!) =) Hope the lego party is a hit!
Hey Sue--I also comment regularly!! I agree with Stacey--that would be fun if you guys moved up to the cheese state! Tell B that Barcelona soccer is one of the best teams in the world this year. They are really good--and his new outfit looks cute! looks like the weekend was a lot of fun!
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