I made some 'lego cakes'... not quite as easy as I thought it might be. I've since learned that putting down a crumb layer of frosting first and letting it harden would help to keep the frosting smooth. Using mini oreos for the little lumps worked fairly well though.
The party started with some lego coloring and dot-to-dot until everyone arrived and then the party games began! First off was a tower building contest. Well, that's what we thought it was going to be... turned out to be more of a airplane, space craft type of contest with lasers, guns and other destructive things! All the boys got an 'award' for their creation.
After that we had each of the boys build a racecar. We had pre-made bags of wheels and other cool things so each one would have something different, but still have all the necessary parts to make a car. They really got into this!
Brendan and is cool car...
Getting ready for the start of the first race! It is an awesome race track - the kids are still playing with it.
And there they go! Well, kind of, some of them still have a lot to learn about balance and aerodynamics ;)
The part they had been waiting for all week - getting some cake! That's the great thing about cake, no matter how bad your frosting job is, it still tastes great!
See? No complaints here!
On to the gift opening. I'm sure you can't tell from his expression, but he was really excited about this gift ;)
That takes care of the first two hours of the party... Yeah, I know, who plans a three hour drop-off party with seven boys?? We had blocked off the basement and upstairs to keep the kids in one general area of the house so after the 'party part' of the party was done we opened the levels up and turned the kids loose!
The weather was cool, but nice enough to head outside.
The boys kept very busy working as a team to haul sand up to the house and then pour it down the slide.
All in all it was a great party. No major injuries or tears so a success by my standards. The boys got along really well and had a fun time.
The rest of the weekend and this week have been fairly quiet compared to the party. Aiden had his first dentist appointment and first eye doctor appointment - both went extremely well! He was so brave and let both doctors do everything they needed to... very pleasant experiences for all involved.
The weather is certainly changing for the better, the grass in getting green and the trees are growing leaves... time to start thinking about outside projects!
What a cake maker you've become! Really neat ideas.
Love seeing all the photos, even if it did take nearly an hour to download them, and only half of them at that.
See ya Wednesday night. And remember, we'll be taking you guys out for supper.
Looks like the party was awesome! I bet you're still finding legos all over the house! =)
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