Last week continued our typical Minnesota spring weather with some beautiful days, followed some rain, some ice, a blizzard - all in the same day! After a night and early morning of rain, it started snowing the biggest flakes I've seen! I had to take some pictures of them because they were enormous and coming down like crazy!

Diego was so intrigued by the big flakes!

A favorite past activity is jumping on Wellyn the second he walks in! The boys love going upstairs and wresting, jumping on the bed and generally just going nuts! Another favorite is getting a ride on dad ;) Any bets how much longer his back will be able to hold up two growing boys??

This spring it became very apparent that Aiden has outgrown his little 4-wheeler. He would often just get off it and push it up our driveway since it was faster than riding it! He knew we were going to get him a bigger one, but wasn't sure when or what it would be for sure. Here he is coming out to see his new Gator (on another super frigid MN day!).
Brendan has a John Deere powerwheel also, which makes it cool for Aiden to have one like his big brothers'. Of course, Brendan now thinks Aidens' is cooler than his... ahhh, will they ever be happy :) Aiden is a bad driver, so watch out! He spends way too much time looking behind him or looking down to see if he's in the 'fast' gear... I'm hoping he will improve - soon. Now we just need some of that warmer weather again so they can get out and enjoy the great outdoors.
In other news, Wellyn and I had fun during March Madness, catching the big MSU game on our date out last Saturday. We birthday shopped for Brendan before it started and then had a great dinner at Bennigan's while watching the game. Even better for Wellyn since it was 2 for 1 drinks ;). It's always kind of a let down after the playoffs - it's almost like going through withdrawal!
Brendan is continuing to build and build with legos... he has a great imagination and likes to look online at the lego site to see what is new. And how much it costs so he knows what he needs to earn! He is growing into quite the saver - doesn't have to run out and spend his allowance immediately; not bad for almost 6! School seems to be going really well also. He's been invited to several birthday parties for classmates and is reading up a storm... even does math in his room sometimes!
Aiden started soccer class tonight with Wellyn and came home in such a great mood. Brendan and I are planning to go next week to watch and get some photos! He was showing us all the things he learned tonight - it was cute.
This is another big week and weekend coming up with many visits from family and friends over Brendans birthday and Easter weekend. Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
1 comment:
Love the cupcakes - so creative! They look like something out of Home & Garden! So many smiling faces :)
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