On Saturday morning Wellyn and Brendan went to Como Zoo to help make breakfast for the primates. It was a fun experience to get to prepare the different foods for each of the primates housed there, learn interesting facts about them, and get to watch them eat - up close, without all the crowds. Here is Brendan watching one of the gorrilas eat.

Sunday we worked on the hole for the shed - it was going great until Wellyn got out the level...I do not like the level! So, it increased the number of wheelbarrow loads of sand/dirt immensely... Here is what is done so far. Don't let this fool you, I did shoveled the dirt and Wellyn dumped it and leveled it by the pond - I was helping!

The boys love it when we're working in the dirt - right up their alley! The hose is always popular too...

Here is our proud son with his first real purchase with his piggy bank money that he's collected over the past 5 years. He had a hard time decided which one to get, but has been glued to it since he brought it home. The first night he worked on building the first boat right up until bedtime - and came down at 4am to look at it again! Too funny...

1 comment:
Hope everyone is feeling better!! Feeding the gorillas - how fun!! =)
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