This past weekend was Blaine's Blazin' 4th celebration. We started the festivities on Saturday with the parade. It's only a few blocks from our house and amazingly, this is the first year we've gone. The boys had a great time - mostly anticipating all the candy they were going to get!

Here we are getting ready for the start of the parade.

Aiden waved at EVERYTHING and EVERYONE!

Brendan thought the sirens were a "little" loud.

These little boat cars were awesome! They had all these patterns they weaved at high speeds - a big hit with the boys.

These little dune buggies were great too. Brendan loved how they stopped and turned at the same time - he won't be driving until he's 40 now...
On Sunday, we headed to a local park where the craft show, carnival and petting zoo were. The petting zoo is always our first stop...followed by the pony rides and this year - a camel ride!

Brendan is a pro on the ponies.

This was Aiden's first pony ride - obviously he enjoyed it! Everytime he went around he'd say "yee haa" when he saw me.

The first camel ride...everyone did great!
After the animals, it was off to the carnival rides! This celebration is great because the rides are all geared toward smaller children. Brendan was able to go on all the rides either by himself or with one of us and Aiden was big enough to go on all but a few rides.

Racing on the motorcycles...

Pretending to "spray" each other in the planes (I'm opposed to machine gun fire...)

Getting fancy and giving daddy a highfive on the way by.

A trip down the big slide...

Aiden going for a spin solo; he wasn't big enough to do the swing ride.

Brenday on the swing...

Brendan whipping through the air so fast I could hardly get a picture - he loved this ride!
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