Our September was pretty structured, soccer practice, soccer practice, faith formation, Wellyn's class, soccer game, soccer game... and repeat! But don't forget to add school, preschool and all required homework for said schools - a lot to cram into a week for the kiddos and us. Especially when you factor in Brendan getting home from school at 4pm, eating dinner to leave for either a 5:30pm practice or 5:15pm faith formation, back home around 6:30-7pm and in bed by 7:45pm. Not a whole lot of free time to play with friends or relax.
Here is Aiden's team and coaches:

Aiden getting in there and working on turning the ball around.

He is such a cutie, a little hesitant on the field, but a good sport.

Brendan's game later that day. Cute they both were on 'Chelsea' teams and picked the same number.

This photo is a little blurry, but it cracks me up! He was playing goalie at the time and as you can see the ball was headed toward him, the intensity shows. He did make the save :)

Picture day for Brendan...

Some of his best buddies from the team.

And this little cutie used to be a neighbor, I would take her home in a heartbeat! They are in the same grade at school, but haven't been in the same class yet.

Brendan's entry into the Lego building contest. A lot of work and imagination goes into these creations!
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