For Brendan's last soccer practice of the season it was parents against kids. It isn't hard to see where some of these children get their competitive spirit from! It was an all out battle the entire time. There weren't any periods or substitutions - just a ton of kids and parents going all out. Some of the kids kind of got taken out by accident... all in fun though and no one was hurt. All the parents said it was harder to play against kids since they were smaller and kind of like a swarm around their legs ;)
Here's Brendan toward the beginning with one huge grin on his face!

Hustling to get the ball before our friend Janet gets to it.

I can't look at this photo without laughing - Brendan totally ducking for cover as another parent kicks the ball.

Brendan threw the ball in and a teammate had a fancy heat butt; Aiden cheering everyone on...

And then Aiden joined the action... a lot smaller than the other kids, wearing flip flops, but he went all out too!

Yep, Aiden getting right in the middle of it all - giving me anxiety he was going to get broken!!

Taking a water break and showing off his 'sweat Mohawk'... his terminology.

A group photo post-game.
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