Here is Jag outside on his harness and leash a couple weeks ago. He is always trying to sneak out the door since he had obviously been outside before we adopted him and the vet thought because of his laid back personality he would be a good candidate to try the leash out. He does really good on it and loves being outside. Unfortunately, the mommy and daddy ducks do not like him being out there! They swim back and forth along the backyard making a huge ruckus when he's out there and their babies are swimming around.
Two weekends ago our nephew Bryce came out for a visit and to pick up a ton of furniture for his new college apartment we'd collected for him. Since he was here, we put him to work too ;) Here he is helping to rinse off some rock that had been in our backyard. Nothing draws little hands to help like some dirt and a hose - stronger pull than a magnet!
Brendan is still very interested in science and has been looking through a kitchen experiment book for things to try out. The old vinegar and baking soda 'volcano' is a huge hit. Here they tried it out with some food coloring for an added effect.
Bryce terrorizing Diego!
Aiden having a turn at playing mad scientist ;)
That Saturday afternoon was Brendan's last indoor soccer game of the season. He always plays harder when there is a visitor there to watch him - he really liked having Bryce in the stands. Afterwards the kids all got medals. We're really excited to be on the same team for summer too - we have a great group of kids and awesome coaches!
The annual PTO Spring Carnival at Brendan's school was on Thursday so after a quick dinner we headed over to the school. The kids had fun in the inflatable jumper and obstacle course as well as playing some games for prizes. We waited in line forever for the lady who does face painting. She does a fantastic job, but the line is always long.
This past Saturday was Brendan's real birthday party with his friends. It was the first time we've had a party somewhere other than our house and I must say, it was kind of nice! There was a total of nine boys and they were busy swimming and playing water games where Brendan took swimming lessons. Unfortunately, the pictures never turn out that great at the pool, but you'll get the general idea!
Taking turns jumping in while making animal noises.
On to everyones favorite part - cupcakes!
1 comment:
Hey Sue! I have a really fun science experiment with Diet Coke and Mento's that the boys could do outside. You just need a 2 liter bottle of diet coke and 3-4 mentos. You drop the mentos in the bottle, and then run! Cause the pop explodes feet up into the air through the bottle. The actual scientific reasoning behind it is probably a little too high for your boys age, but the pressure, noise and explosion are all things they can understand. Here is a website about it:
They are really fancy with theirs, when I do this with my students I just drop them in and get out of the way. I have 3-4 different kinds of pop and tell the kids that their will be an explosion out of them, but the have to predict which one will be the highest and why. It's a lot of fun!
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