He opened presents in the morning - his favorite part of the day. Aiden has been waiting to buy these little Ben 10 action figures for Brendan for months... so glad he was finially able to! They both do an excellent job of picking out gifts for each other.
Hugs all around :)
After breakfast, Wellyn and I finished up fixing the rock landscaping around the house in the morning while he and Aiden played with the neighbor kids and then we were off to soccer. The difference in his soccer game is amazing - the asthma medication has truly worked wonders. He is so fun to watch, running and smiling the whole time! It was also soccer picture day so we'll be getting new team pictures soon.
For his birthday cake I just made him a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting since he'll be having his real birthday party in May. I did some impromptu decorating with Easter candy and they thought it was awesome ;)
One very happy boy - notice the missing tooth on top!
We've pretty much finished up the inside work on our open rental unit and have a tenant lined up for May. We decided to hire out the work on the retaining wall and I'm very glad we did. It would have taken us all summer to do by ourselves. The three man crew, equipped with a bobcat and dumptruck, did it in just four days. Here are the before and after pictures - they did an awesome job!
We received a letter home from Brendan's art teacher last week saying that one of his art projects had been selected to be put on display at the local mall along with other elementary students work across the district. Of course, he had no idea what the part work was... but, we went to check it out. Turns out they had been learning about Van Gogh and it was his rendition of Starry Night. He did a really nice job!
This week has been a little crazier than most, I've babysat extra for some friends for various reasons so there have been lots of kids at the house. All good kids though! Aiden has loved having the extra friends to play with him. Here he is with friends Grace and Sophia - Sophia had just woke up from a huge nap and had some super wild hair ;) Aiden wanted to get a comb for it, then he asked me for some scissors since the comb didn't work! I had to explain to him that it was up to her parents to take her for her first haircut; very funny.
And helping feed Sophia - he loves babies!
garMax and I enjoyed all the pictures on the blog. I especially liked the pictures that Brendan drew and the picture of him holding his brother and of Aiden feeding Sofia.
Went to the blog today to see if there were any knew post. While looking at the ones from Brendan's BD, I "just had" to use the three-way hug photo for my screen saver pic for the week. All three of you look great! Thanks again for keeping us in touch.
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