It has been several years since we've taken a trip home between Labor Day and Thanksgiving. This year we hit the road for a visit with both our families. We dropped Wellyn off late at his parents so he could go on the Pomeroy annual 4-wheeling trip and me and the boys spent a few days in Gulliver with my parents.
We took a walk over by the lake and the kids played on some of the trees my mom and dad planted when they first moved up there. This crazy tree grows along the top of the ground for several feet before angling up to the sky. Kids loved it.

My little ninja!

We got a suprise call from my sister, Katherine, saying she and friend were going to make a quick trip up from WI to visit the Big Springs. We met them out there for a ride on the raft and to look for fish. Unfortunately, this time we only saw a school of small fist, but it the past have been treated to seeing huge trout and some otters. Brendan manned the wheel on our way out.

Mom and Dad along for the ride.

Such sweet brothers.

Having a great time.

My sister and her friend - so nice to see them!

The mandatory trip to Big Boy after the Big Springs. Kids never get tired of getting a picture with this crazy Moose. I could probaby track their growth in pictures next to this!

We ran into town one afternoon and the boys played at the marina. Thankfully I'd packed hats, mittens and coats because it was windy and cold! They didn't care though.

Playing pirates.

An after dinner trip to the park on Gulliver Lake.

Beautiful view of the lake.

The cabins from Old Deerfield Resort.

On Sunday we packed up and headed for Wellyn's parents house to meet the guys coming back from their 4-wheeling trip. Brendan holding Matthew, who is not a baby any more!

Max being all shy by his mommy :)

Finally, the guys arrived!

Ashley and Matthew.

Matthew snuggling up to Grandma and ready for a nap.

Of course, the guys had been riding all weekend, but the first thing the boys wanted to do was take a ride!

Two coold dudes!

Max happy to have his daddy back!

Some love for mommy too :)

Nothing like a vacation to tucker everyone out.

A trip out to Uncle Levi's old 'fort' in the woods. Brendan really wants to fix it up so they went out and did some 'work' on it.

Such happy little workers.

Aiden holding still for a minute so I could get a hug.

The boys getting to play up and down the river with the grown-ups.

Uncle Muscles.

Can that little guy be any cuter??? I think not!

Aiden playing steal the pack with Uncle Ashley.

Grandma and Daddy teaching Brendan how to play solitaire.

Aiden getting to hold Matthew - the boys love holding their little cousins.

Grandpa 'watching tv'... notice the remote on his hand and no channel selected. He was a little tuckered out too! :)