Brendan joined soccer last week with his buddy Mason. They have such a great time together and it's a nice way for them to stay friends since they don't go to the same school or live in the same neighborhood. It was huge success, Brendan had a great time and didn't ask to go home or have Wellyn go out on the field with him one time!
We had a nice long holiday weekend here playing and catching up on some chores around the house. We missed going to Michigan, but are going there this weekend for a week to visit with everyone.
Here is Brendan doing some drawing:
Having some fun on the much loved, much used monkey bars:
Aiden is a little too small to do the monkey bars by himself, but he sure loves to swing!
Tuesday I had a new experience - getting rear-ended! Luckily the boys weren't with me and we weren't going fast so it wasn't too bad. The truck hit the metal post on our bumper where our bike rack which saved my car and did some damage to the one behind me. It was an amiable accident at least and he's paying for a new post for the rack so all is well that ends with no one getting hurt. And no damage was done before we decided to sell it.
Last Thursday was Track and Field Day at Brendans' school. It is a super crazy day with kids all over! The first through fifth graders all go out together in the morning to compete in events and try to place. Each grade has a specific color shirt in order to help keep track of them all. The kindergartners came out after their lunch and after the other grades went in for their turn. The three classes did great and had a lot of fun. Here is Brendan going through the obstacle course:
And kicking the soccer ball!
Here he is doing the dash, smiling the whole way. They did it about six times and then had them run around the track - everyone was TIRED!
That same night we were off to Aidens' last basketball class. He is so funny! He tries so hard to do everything... he is so much smaller than the other kids and gets a little distracted, but sure works hard ;) He got a little help from daddy every now and then!
Practicing the bounce pass and chest pass - mostly just the bounce pass, which might have been called the 'chin pass'!
The long weekend started off with finishing the painting in Brendans' room.
The weekend wasn't all work - we headed to our friends' house on Saturday afternoon and had a great BBQ with lots of great food and even better company. Everyone has kids now so it is so much fun. The kids were all over playing and having a blast!
Sunday brought dry paint and Brendan getting his room back. It was so nice to get it done and move everything from our room back into his! He was so excited about getting the loft set up again. He really wanted a 'lego themed room', but it is really hard to find lego blankets, etc, so he went with a construction theme. I still have a few lego-related suprises in store for him ;)
Monday we did some things around the house and went car shopping in the afternoon. We've been planning on replacing the Mountaineer for a while now and with some big driving trips coming up this summer it seemed the right time to do it. We did some research and searching to find what we wanted and were able to find 'the one' at a metro dealership. After test-driving and getting the boys stamp of approval (they really like the built-in DVD player!) we made the decision to buy! Due to it being a holiday we weren't able to actually take it home then but are going tonight to get it. Yeah!!!

Last night was Brendans' first soccer game - after just one practice! It was so much fun watching the kids run all over. They don't play positions at this age, so it's literally a swarm of boys following and kicking the ball. He tried hard and ran hard! Didn't always go the right direction or stop when the whistle blew, but he still had fun. We'll miss next weeks game due to traveling, but are looking forward to the rest of the season.
Aiden kicking the ball back and forth with friend Gracie.
The two boys, hopefully friends forever!
It will be over a week before the next post. The UP has such slow internet connections that I'll just wait until we get back to update the site. Have a great week!
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