We'll start the week before and work our way forwards since that is the order the pictures loading in ;)
The boys love getting out their 'tools' and 'fixing' things. This day it was the tractor and gator. They really got into it, one of the neighbor boys even came down and helped.
Brendans' kindergarten class has been doing a unit on transportation. One of his homework assignments was to build some type of car, bus, plane, etc out of a cardboard box and bring it to school to wear in a parade. I'm not sure if I've mentioned he likes legos (hehe), but they have some new construction vehicles out so he decided he would like a bulldozer. We sorted through some boxes and found some leftover yellow paint in the basement to get us started. The boys had way more fun just painting the extra boxes than actually doing the bulldozer.
Here is Aidens' smiley face - the eyes kind of got connected to the smile, but still cute!
Last Monday Wellyn flew to Boston for a work conference, lucky dog! In between conferences, meetings, lectures he managed to fit in some sight-seeing along with some awesome East Coast food. Here is Boston Common and a statue of George Washinton.
I think this bridge was in You've Got Mail.
Then he was off to tour Fenway Park, the oldest ballpark in the USA.
The only picture of him in Boston...
Meanwhile, back in Minnesota Brendan had his transportation parade. All the kindergartners sang transportation related songs and took turns having big 'parts' in the performance. Brendan wrote a little story about a bulldozer that he read in front of everyone. He did awesome! I'll have the video of it soon, but here is a picture Aiden took ;)
Back in Boston on Saturday, Wellyn took the Freedom Trail for the majority of the day. The conference was over so he was able to take in some of the historic sites of the city.
Samuel Adams grave...
Thomas Paines' crypt...
One of the very old cemeteries...
Paul Reveres' grave...
Where Benjamin Franklins' parents are buried...
Statue of Paul Revere...
The USS Constitution...
One of the many cannons aboard the USS Constitution... (the boys really liked this!)
The sleeping quarters of the crew...
The boys really missed their dad (I did too!) so we made him some welcome home signs. They had lots of fun picking out stickers, markers and drawing all sorts of things on them.
Our future photographer took a picture of us too ;)
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