Aiden's 'real' birthday was during the week and we celebrated with pizza - here he is blowing out his candles! He opened the gifts from us afterwards.

And for the record, he picked out his own clothes. He loves these MN Gopher pants and will wear them all the time if I would let him. Problem is, they don't exactly 'go' with everything...which is why he gets to wear them at home ;)

And, like it does every year, my birthday rolled around. It was a pleasant day, starting with my wonderful hubby letting me and my cold sleep in while took the boys off to church. I woke up to an hour of being the only one home! Then it was time to open presents - so much fun this year just because the boys were so excited to give me their gifts.
In retrospect, I wish I would have jumped in the shower before they got back, cold and all, since there was no time for me to do it before gifts - they were ready to open the gifts!
Brendan really wanted to get the Slider Station for me since the commercial is always on TV and the guys always says, "Moms love it!". We tried it out and it was easy to use and best of all, the KIDS loved it! Made for a very easy dinner!

The mirror and table I had 'hinted' about. Wellyn had them hidden here for me - he's very good at keeping secrets! Me, I can hardly buy anything and keep it for any length of time before I tell the person or give it to them. (the kids must take after me)

For dinner we went out to Chili's and the boys were hilarious. They just loved the food (they did order corn dogs) and the waitress was kid-friendly which is always a plus. She got a kick out of them telling her it was 'the best food ever'...shows you where my cooking rates! She also got them sprinkles on their ice cream, a real crowd pleaser.
So, this is kind of funny...on Monday I was talking to a fellow mommy on the phone while the boys were playing. They decided to put on some temporary tattoos - no big deal, I just have to move the toilet paper so it doesn't get soggy as they are getting the washcloth wet to apply them. After a few minutes Brendan came around the corner looking like this:

Nothing I would get too concerned about, except spring pictures at school were the next day! He was so proud that he'd gotten them on all by himself and that he looked 'tough'... A little oil before bedtime and his forehead and arms were as good as new!
Needless to say, with so much time spent being ill, we haven't done too much in the way of fun. Brendan started his spring break after school Tuesday and has all of next week off so we will be keeping busy with play dates. Aiden enjoys the kids coming over just as much since they are older, which translates into 'cool'. This photo kind of sums up their relationship...Aiden looking up to his older brother ;)

1 comment:
Glad to hear everyone's back to healthy there!! Love the tattoo pics! Happy Birthday (belated) too...that's really funny about the slider station! =)
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