The weekend before last was our neices' 1st birthday party. We made a last minute decision to pack up and head to Green Bay - very spontaneous for us! Unfortunately, Aiden had the sniffles during the day and they just continued to get worse the longer we were in the car. We got a motel room in Green Bay for Friday night and by the time we had settled them back in bed he also had a bad cough. At 2am he had a croup attack, a first for us... an hour in the bathroom with the shower running and we back to bed! Brendan was up early, peeking out the window of our room which looked down over the pool and waterslides. Aiden soon joined him and together they 'whispered' about going swimming down the waterslides; a cute way to wake up. We hit the water and were joined by my sister Katherine, nephew Preston, and Wellyn's parents for the morning. After many trips down the waterslides, laps around the pool and breaks in the hot tub, dried off and headed to lunch before Katherine and Preston had to head home.

Brendan and Preston taking a trip down the slide.

This would be me and Aiden - yeah, I didn't do very good and dunked him by accident.

Brendan going solo down the big slide.

After lunch we headed to the Appleton area for Ellies' birthday party. The boys were exhausted and fell asleep almost instantly once we started driving. It was a fun party, Ellie is just adorable and we also got to see our nephew Max and his mommy and daddy. The boys had a grand time playing, eating cake (or in Aiden's case eating frosting), and 'helping' Ellie open her presents.
Ellie and Stacey:

She is such a little ham, a real cutie! She seemed to enjoy the cake ;)

Gift openening; Staceys' sister Sara was able to see too via Skype from Spain. Brendan has the biggest crush on her!

My party boys!

Levi and Max:

After the party we headed back up to the motel for a little downtime before the kids went to sleep. Brendan rescue animals in the rainforest on the Leapster:

Doing some looking at legos, a favorite pasttime!

Wellyn 'resting his eyes' ;)

They were up early the next morning for another trip to the pool and many, many trips down the waterslides. After we were back upstairs we had a suprise visit from Ellie, Stacey and Colin. The boys were super excited to see them again and we all enjoyed some playtime before heading out to lunch. The end of lunch brought the end of our Green Bay trip and back to Minnesota we went.
Colin and Brendan playing Uno - a game that never gets old.

Aiden loves holding 'babies'... won't be much longer and Ellie will be holding him!

Wellyns' parents were in town on Wednesday evening, and the kids were very happy to see them again. Unfortunately, Aiden's cough continued to get worse as the week went on so Wednesday night we made a visit to urgent care. The doctor ordered x-rays to check his lungs and we were thankful to get the all-clear. Armed with a prescriptioin we went back home and tried to get some sleep.
Thursday brought birthday preparations followed by parent-teacher conferences at Brendan's school. We were very pleased to hear he is doing well in school and gets along with his classmates well. He rarely gets in trouble there since breaking the rules results in less free time - the highlight of his day!
Friday morning started with Aiden covered in hives... poor kid just couldn't catch a break this week :(. Calls to the pediatrician and pharmacist resulted in ending the prescription in case it was the cause of the hives. Friday evening we started hanging the crepe paper and some of the decorations of the party and Aiden was so excited - he said 'this is the best party ever'.
Saturday morning we were all running around finishing up the decorating - and thankgoodness Donna and Herb were still here! Donna took care of the food and Herb made a very important ice cream run. Wellyn took Aiden back to urgent care to have the hives looked at (and there was over an hour wait!) while I ran to get Aiden's cake... a busy morning for everyone. The doctor felt Aiden was getting better and they made it home just in time for the party.
We shared a party with friends Ava and Ella again this year. Their birthday is the day before Aiden's so it's a nice way to celebrate. Aiden had some Lightening McQueen decorations while we did a princess/unicorn ones for the girls. Wellyn printed a couple pictures on the sly at work for the walls and with those, the crepe paper and some balloons, it was a festive party. We always feel blessed by the friends we have out here and enjoy all the milestones we are able to share with them. Thanks to all of you who helped make this day special!
Trudy and the girls made this awesome unicorn pinata for the party - it was a huge hit! (no pun intended...)

Aiden's Lightening McQueen cake:

My first attempt at cake decorating a gluten-free princess cake.

Aidens' first peek at the cake - definitely approved!

Everyone had a few turns swinging at the unicorn. And they all enjoyed the toys and candy it was filled with.

The girls waiting for everyone to finish singing so they could blow out the candles:

Aidens turn!

One of the many very cool gifts Aiden received; an Air Force costume.

Again a HUGE thank you to Donna and Herb for all the cooking, laundry, dishes, dishes, and yet more dishes you did. The party went great thanks to you two!
Hey Sue! I love the pictures...especially the one of Ellie on AIden's lap and you two going down the water slide! haha! Glad Aiden is feeling better and hope to see my lil buddy this summer!!
Hey Sue! You should seriously have Aiden do baby modeling, because he's so darn adorable! Love the b-day cake and race car costume!
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