Like usual, we've had a busy week and weekend. Brendan's golf camp was cancelled last week due to low enrollment, so we had a "free" week...although those are almost busier! Last Wednesday he had his first sleep over at his best friend house. He did great overall - just a little sad at bedtime after Mason had fallen asleep. They went for a bike ride, played in the pool and had tons of fun. Mason rides his bike without training wheels so now Brendan is much more interested in taking his off. I think the whole experience was harder for me than him - my little boy is growing up!
Here are some photos from the past week.
Ummm...yeah, this is what happens when Aiden uses the potty without us being vigilant.

Brendan with his "Save" "Spend" and "Give" banks that I made him. Right now he is saving for a trip to Legoland.

Mr. Fix-it.

For whatever reason, Aiden decided to dress up as a pirate before dinner the other day. He found almost all the pirate gear and has the pirate "pose" down.

Brendan with his Rescue Hero robot he earned last week. I have to say, it's one of the coolest toys and the boys have played with it almost non-stop.

Friday we headed to Wabasha, MN, for our annual camping trip. Wellyn had the day off so we were able to leave by noon and took the scenic route along the Mississippi River. It was a beautiful drive and so fun to see the river, the huge boats and all the hills and rock bluffs surrounding the river.
The weather was warm and sunny the majority of the weekend. We did have a thunderstorm and subsequent downpour on Saturday evening, but we all gathered in the screen tent and the kids did some art and the adults literally shouted at each other to have a conversation over the sound of the rain hitting the tent. It blew over fairly quickly though and we were able to get the kids all to bed and have some fun around the campfire.
Here is the campsite. Our friends Heather and Tony and Brian and Jess joined in the fun with their kids.

Here's Kaylene, Brendan and Keaton doing some art projects.

Aiden trying to make his had fit on Wellyn. A game that never gets old!

Me and Brendan trying out the teeter-totter before hitting the pool. I have to say, that is the biggest teeter-totter I've ever seen...

Aiden and Wellyn having some fun with the teeter-totter - Aiden sobbed when it was time to get off! He quickly recovered when he found out we were going swimming in the pool.