Kindergarten Round-Up!

Well, it doesn't seem possible, but Brendan will be starting kindergarten this fall. We attended an informational session at the elementary school on Thursday night where we turned in forms, toured the kindergarten rooms and took a school bus ride. He knew two kids from his preschool class and two others from the neighborhood so it was fun for him to go and recognize some faces. The school district runs kindergarten classes all day on either M, W, and every other Friday or Tu, Th, and every other Friday which I'm a little concerned about. Seems like such a long day for the kids and no continuity for the week... We find out in early August which days Brendan will be assigned classes. Overall, it was a fun and informative evening - topped off with a visit to Dairy Queen ;)


Easter was so much fun this year. We started out by decorating eggs. Both boys had a wonderful time. I'll post a video of it soon - it's pretty funny; Aiden thought the eggs could be thrown like a ball...

Brendan woke us up by 6:30am to go look for Easter baskets and candy. He was funny; he knows that he's not allowed to get the candy until we're downstairs so he told us that he wasn't hunting, he was just walking - and he found some CANDY! It took Aiden a little while to catch on to the looking for candy part. Of course, he wanted to eat the candy as soon as he found it...not everyday you get to start out with chocolate!

Finding the baskets was much fun. Brendan had some hockey things along with clothes and candy. He was really into floor hockey this year so it seemed like a good basket item. Aiden had a little shopping cart for a basket. When we go to ECFE classes he loves pushing the carts around with a baby in it.

Overall we had a busy, but fun weekend. It was our first weekend at home all together in over a month! In addition to the Easter related festivities, Wellyn and I rented Blood Diamond and Shooter. Both good movies, although Blood Diamond was very disturbing. If you haven't watched it - go rent it! We also put up the vertical blinds in the basement and started cutting out Brendan's pirate ship for his party. That will be another post in itself!

We've joined the blogging world!

Since everyone is doing it, we decided to jump on board! Now I can write all the funny things the kids do and keep everyone updated on what's up with us. Hope you enjoy!