A few weeks ago the kids decided to make a river in our play area. They worked on it off and on over a week and a half. Here they are busy scooping out the caved in areas and making sure the water was flowing fast enough. They decided it was the Mississippi River - very appropriate for our location :)
The basement play area is back together again - finally! A friend of mine knew of a guy to install the carpet for us off the books and he was able to do it quickly so we're back in business. I found an awesome deal on brand new bars to extend our existing monkey bars. We needed to move them anyway since they were close to the gas line so we raised them up a few inches and went from 5 bars to 10. The kids love it and it is very popular with their friends. Aiden has mastered going down them but is still working on turning around and going back.
Brendan, well, he just has them mastered - such a little monkey!
Last week Brendan had track and field day at school. It is always a busy day with the grades divided up by gender in color-coded t-shirts moving from event to event on the field. It was longer this year since they just do an abbreviated version for kindergarteners so they did part of the events in the morning and the others in the afternoon. Brendan is such a competitor and really tries his best - makes us so proud of him. He also is able to laugh at himself some and not be too upset when he doesn't win or if he makes a mistake, etc. He is really growing up... too fast for me! Going over the hurdles... he's toward the left of the video.
This is cute - if you listen you can hear the 1st grade girls start chanting 'Brendan!' over and over. It is picked up by the 1st grade boys that already ran. He is on the right side of the video.
We have some babies in the house! Actually, they are under the deck. A pair of purple finches have made a nest and are raising their little ones on top of the support beam of the deck. If you look between the cracks of the deck boards you can see them. Here is a photo of them shortly after they hatched. We don't go out and peek too often as it really upsets the mommy bird - she will sit in the birch tree next to the deck at eye level with us and raise quite a commotion.
Here is a random photo of Jag from this week. Always looking for a bag or box to climb into - and yes, he's still alive, just sleeping!
And a video of how he feels about living in the house. Little does he know just how lucky he is to have me and the kids in his corner ;) He should just sit down and enjoy the pampering!
The nice weather meant time for finishing up some outside projects as well. Wellyn finished cutting the wood for the trailer and it looks brand new! A huge difference from what it looked like this spring. Now it can move out of the garage - yeah!
And on to the next project on the list... there is certainly no shortage of things that need to be or we want to do!
Brendan started summer soccer last week and will begin games next week. We are so happy to be with our last coaches and many of Brendan's friends are on the team too. It will be such a fun season for all of the boys (and the families on the sidelines!). Aiden will be starting Jr. Kickers soccer the first Friday in June. All of his classes will be on Friday nights - how well they know the parents of preschoolers; nothing better to do on a Friday night! ;)