Brendan giving Wellyn and Aiden a push down the hill.
Crafty Brendan hitching a ride up the hill.
Honestly, Brendan can make friends anyplace he goes. If there are other kids and an even half-receptive grown-up he's ready to adopt them. Here he ran into another dad with a few kids and before we knew it he was racing with them and making sled trains down the hill with them. He does have some great social skills.
Aiden taking a break and hanging with me.
Another sled train getting ready to shoot down the hill.
Logan wanted to walk up and down the hill instead of take the sled - not really a safe option when tons of sleds are rocketing down at high speed and with no steering. So he went down a few times but was very content to watch the other kids.
The Saturday before my birthday Wellyn took me out for dinner downtown Minneapolis and then we went to the Minnesota Orchrestra. Amazingly, it was our first trip there even though we've lived here for over 11 years. We always talk about doing some of the things the metro has to offer but then get distracted by life... that was a very fun night! Us before heading out.
The next morning the kids gave me their gifts. Brendan led me up to the living room insisting I keep my eyes closed ;)
Aiden giving me some new pjs.
And some more new pjs!
Brendan picked out some new candles with a tray and colored rocks to around them and had it all set up for me when I opened my eyes. They are awesome gift givers!
In other news, Aiden is having a blast at floor hockey and we'll all get to go watch him this week. He comes home so excited after every class and can't stop talking about how much fun it is. Brendan will start soccer soon and we are so happy he is on the same team with two other friends and we know he will have a better experience this time around. This will be his first time playing indoors and it should be fun.
Our more shocking news of the past week was Wellyn getting laid off from work. Late Wednesday afternoon they let him know; no prior warning so it was very unexpected. He went in today to turn in his badge, laptop and hand-off his project info and is officially done. He has already been making contact with former co-workers and friends and has at least one lunch meeting set up so hopefully it will be a smooth process.
1 comment:
The sledding fun sure brought back some fond memories. Sometimes we would build a little bond fire at the edge of the woods and roast miniture hot dogs. The kids loved it.
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