Making the photo frame craft... big decisions which decorations to pick!
We had Brendan's first grade conferences recently and he is doing very well. He seems to know how to stay out of trouble at school ;) and is very diligent about learning and getting his homework done. Every parent's dream! February is Love to Read Month at his school and the goal for his classroom is for the kids to read 1,000 books collectively. He is taking the challenge very seriously - wanting to read 5-7 books a night! We are trying to accommodate his as much as possible and still make it to bed at a decent hour :)
Wellyn and I have been trying to encourage each other to exercise more and are tracking our exercise hours and weight as a motivator (some days it's more motivating than others!). Here is Wellyn pumping some iron - I mean kids!
Saturday Aiden and I headed to Pump It Up for a birthday party for a preschool classmate. We give her rides to and from preschool and ironically her birthday is the same day as Aiden's! He adores her and she is just a sweet little girl. The kids burned tons of energy on all the inflatables and then loaded up on pizza and cake - every kids dream morning!
We took the boys sledding this past Sunday for our first real trip this winter. Beautiful day to go although the breeze at the top of the hill was brisk and we were glad we threw some scarves in the car. They had a blast flying down the hill at breakneck speed - as I was at the top holding my breath... especially when Brendan kept going down the part of the hill with a huge bump at the end and flying through the air. I accidentally aimed Aiden and I down that part once and it was incredibly painful - the jolting of my bones alone was a rude awakening; add that to having my elbow caught between the sled and the ground and poor Aiden's head making contact with my knee - just no fun! He had a rough go of it since Wellyn had took him over it once too and he flew right off the sled and Wellyn and the sled proceeded to run over him... We made sure to stay away from that section of the hill for the rest of his rides! We're beginning to know a lot more people in the area through the kids going to school and all the after school activities so it was fun to run into two other families on the hill we knew. They had all sorts of 'trains' going down the hill with up to 6 sleds going together. Great time and great exercise.
Wellyn and Aiden before the crash at the bottom: Brendan going down, headed straight for the bump and Wellyn and Aiden at the bottom.
Making the walk back up (mom offers to pull him up the hill on the sled ;)
Me and Aiden safely aimed at the gentle, sloping part of the hill - we learned our lesson!
Aiden all bundled up complete with ski goggles borrowed from a friend we met on the hill:
The current focus of our household is Aiden's upcoming birthday party. He picked a Ben 10 theme and we're getting everything ready for it this Saturday. That kid, and his brother, could not be more excited about having the decorations up, the kids over and having cake! Actually I'm pretty excited about the cake too - I ordered it with butter cream frosting! I'll have to put up an actual post just about the party and the preparations later to help out other parents trying to play this theme - it is impossible to find in the party stores and I dislike ordering everything online.
Tomorrow is his 'real' birthday so he is bringing in a special treat for preschool. In addition it is their class Valentine's Day party so it will be an extra fun day. After his special birthday dinner (mini corn dogs and Spiderman Mac 'n Cheese - yuk!) he'll open the presents from us and blow out the candles on his birthday donuts (the cake is for Saturday). My next update will be post-birthday celebrations!
As usual, the blog is fun to read.
I loved the photo of Wellyn pumping iron.
Happy Birthday Aiden!!! Hope you had a great day today! Love you! Aunt Stacey, Uncle Colin, Ellie, & Emmit
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