Last week was soccer team photos - right after the game! Not sure how that was planned, but our hot and tired boys went straight from the game in 85 degree weather to pictures. We get the 'official' photos next week.
With teammate and best buddy Mason.
On the 16th Aiden had his first 'real' day of preschool. He was there with half of his class since they stagger the first week to give the teachers a lower ratio. He was fine until it was time for us to go... and some of the other kids were crying... and then his tears started. I was pretty confident he would be fine once the class got going and when I picked him up two hours later the first thing he said was, "You were right mom - I had fun!" (Always nice words for a mommy to hear ;)
Our traditional first morning pictures:
Last Saturday, Wellyn and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. This year one of our good friends came to watch the boys for us and we headed to St. Paul for a night out. We had a great dinner downtown at a grown-up restaurant followed by the sold out Darius Rucker and Rascal Flatts concert. It has been a long time since we've been to a concert - boy are they loud! Thinking back, the last one we we've been to at an indoor arena might have been Bon Jovi - also very loud. And, no, this isn't my actual photo, but one from the same night - I wasn't quite this close!

Brendan is doing very well in first grade - it's been a long few weeks for him adjusting to going everyday, but he's been bringing home 'Golden Tickets' several days a week for being a good example to the other kids. He has also been selected to participate in a Talent Development interest unit with a focus on literature. He and the other chosen kids will be working on writing their own book. The nightly homework also started this week... an adjustment for all of us, finding the right time to get it done. We've been doing it after dinner so he has some free time when he gets home to just relax and play.
Today was yet another busy Saturday with Aiden having his preschool Sports-A-Thon followed by Brendan's soccer game. The weather truly cooperated, the rain held off, the sun came out and it was beautiful - much nicer than expected. For the Sports-A-Thon there were different 'stations' set up around the track for the kids to try out activities and get their participation cards checked off. Brendan was terribly disappointed after we arrived as he wanted to see his pre-K teachers, but they were at a training workshop. He was able to see the preschool director and a mom of one of his friends from his pre-K days so the disappointment didn't last too long.
Aiden and Wellyn showing off their hula hoop moves ;)
Good practice for both of them before heading to the soccer game.
A family long jump!
He shoots! He scores! (with an assist from Daddy)
Brendan working on his moves.
Aiden very proud of his medal for completing all the activities and thrilled to have gotten a snack to go with it.
Brendan showing off this new tattoo and painted arm.
Brendans soccer team won their game again... not a big surprise since the other kids on his team are so competitive and physical. I actually feel bad for the other teams we play and for the parents because I understand their frustration at having their kids slide tackled by ours. Brendan had a good personal game and best of all, he had fun! We played against a team with two other friends on it so it was fun to see the other parents and the boys liked seeing their friends out on the field. This photo cracks me up:
1 comment:
Great pics! I love the family long jump! =)
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