The kids had a fabulous trip to Michigan to visit with Grandma Donna and Grandpa Herb. Brendan was excited, but very sad to be leaving us for a week. He was clinging and sobbing the whole time we were loading them up - heartbreaking! Aiden just seemed to go along with everything, but didn't seem to really realize how long they were going to be away and was fine until they were both buckled in the car seats and he heard Brendan was sobbing. I think that is what really upset him - he hates to see his brother upset! Off they went though and I'm pretty sure there was a stop for ice cream not too far down the road ;)
Here are some photos of the boys during their time in Michigan.

As for us, we stayed and visited with Colin, Stacey and Ellie for a bit before heading back home for a week without kids. Ellie is getting so big, sleeping in her big-girl bed and being so independent. She will be such a good big sister. I even got to meet an old high school friend for lunch in Appleton to catch up on the past 17 years or so!
While the boys were gone our schedule was pretty consistent with trying to get as much done at the duplex as possible. We were there for over 9 hours on that Sunday and three other nights that week. A lot was accomplished, but it always seems there is more to do. The floors are now done and look awesome, the painting is done, outlets have been changed, bathroom caulked, ceiling fans installed, as well as a myriad of other items. We just put out the For Rent sign so we're hoping for some good applicants.
We did go out to dinner one night with one of Wellyns' high school classmates and her husband. It was so much fun to catch up with them and see some people from the 'old days'!
After picking up the boys the following Saturday, we had a few days to play and catch up before hitting the road again. This time to go camping at Itasca State Park. Every year we meet up with our old neighbors from Burnsville and camp. Two other families joined us this year making it even more fun. The boys LOVE camping - and all the other kids, running between sites, staying up late and MARSHMALLOWS!
It ended up raining, really raining, when we got there so setting up the tent wasn't much fun, but after the tent was up the rain ended - of course! It was also a little on the cool side for late July/early August, but it sure made the campfire feel good. Nights were a little chilly, but still fun. Until the night the raccoons raided our site!
Seasoned campers that we are, we always put our coolers and totes with food away at night - except for that night. Sometime in the middle of the night Wellyn woke me up to ask how to get rid of racoons. He ended up going outside and yelling at them with the flashlight. Turns out they had quite the party - opened on of the coolers and took some juice boxes, opened the tote and took both bags of marshmallows, the bread, the buns, and worst of all, the Lucky Charms! Lucky Charms are just something I don't normally buy, I'm hardly a health-nut, but I have a limit on how much color and sugar should be in breakfast food. The boys begged for them for camping so I had given in; can't tell you how disappointed they were in the morning to find out the raccoons had eaten the coveted Lucky Charms. I owe them a new box...
Here is the majority of our crew on a walk to the headwaters of the Mississippi River.
Amazing that it all starts out right there...
Crossing the little bridge after going over the rock 'wall' to the other side.
Aiden going across with some help from his dad.
The visitor center is nice there with some interactive things for kids to do.
Dressing up like firefighters ;)
Wellyn taking a little snooze outside. Right after this a little chipmunk ran over him!
The boys started vacation bible school the Monday after camping. Unfortunately, it didn't really work for Aiden. He didn't want to go #2 there so I had to run over there a couple times the first two days. As it turns out, the poor kid had an intestinal flu so there was a reason behind him needing to go so much. He spent the rest of the week home with me and is now on the mend. Brendan was very excited to find three other kids he knew in his group. Going with friends is so much more fun!
In the meantime, Wellyn has been working hard on finishing up the duplex. This weekend we should have all the big things done and be ready to get someone moved in. Maybe we'll even have time and energy to finish some projects around out own house!
1 comment:
Glad to hear the rest of the trip to MI went so well for the boys! And your camping trip looks like a ton of fun too! I miss camping - we haven't gone in years! Maybe next summer with a 1 and 2 1/2 yr old??? Is that possible? Hope Aiden is feeling better!
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