The best thing since the last post is we're an aunt and uncle again! Wellyns brother Colin and his wife, Stacey, welcomed a new baby boy into their family last Tuesday. Little Emmit John is just adorable and we're very excited to meet him soon. He is very close to the size Brendan was when he was born, weighing in at 8 lbs 2 oz and 20 1/2" long.
The boys have been enjoying summer - playing on the playset, riding bikes, running around crazy! Much of their time before dinner is spent with one of the neighbor boys from down the street. As soon as he's home from daycare, they are at his house or he is at our house. They get along so well and he's just as obsessed with legos so it a good fit!
The duplex is coming along. All the big stuff is done and we're down to just some little things and finding a renter. That has been a little harder this time, less people calling and coming to see it than usual. It looks good though, judge for yourself:

Fixing up the duplex is a family affair so me and the boys head over when we can. The boys have a good time and it always makes them feel involved in the endevor.
A few weeks ago we had our second tornado warning of the year - a nice, slow year, so we grabbed the boys out of bed and headed to the basement. Aiden never woke up and Brendan fell asleep shortly afterwards; neither remember it!
Brendan started soccer last week. He is on a different team, but still with his buddy Mason. The team is very competitive and for the most part, very good. I'm hoping Brendan doesn't get discouraged and has fun. I already miss his old team!
And, after months of failed attempts, it has finally happened - Aiden is pooping in the potty. May not seem like big deal to some, but a red-letter day here! It has been almost 3 weeks and it is just the best thing ever - for all of us ;) It took a Playmobil firetruck and a lego set for Brendan to make it happen. I bought the firetruck for him and the set for Brendan, but no one could open them until there was an actual deposit in the potty. Nothing like some added pressure from your brother to motivate you! Some extra little toys spread out over the next days and phone calls to people to tell them all about it - who doesn't like to get phone calls about poo??? ;)
Another very important outcome of taming the potty is that Aiden will be able to start preschool in two weeks. His feelings about preschool waver between being super excited and wanting to stay home with me... I think he'll be fine after the first few times. It will help that one of his good friends from daycare will be in the same class with him.
Brendan starts first grade on Sept 8th. So far, we know of one other boy from his kindergarten class that will be with him. I think there are three or four first grade classes this year. Like most other places, the schools are feeling the effects of the economy too. His school is on the list to be closed for next year along with several others in the district. A bummer since we are so close to it...
A couple weeks ago I took a day off from any type of housework and just played legos with Brendan... for hours! He built a jet to destroy some evil guy and I worked on the truck and trailer to pull it. Here he is with the finished product:
Here is Aiden reading with me last night (only my 3rd time yesterday reading that book!):
And enjoying a little cuddle-time with daddy before bed ;)