A few weeks ago we all headed down to the south metro for our friend Paige's birthday party. The boys had a fabulous time - it was at Pump It Up which is filled with huge inflatables to slide down and jump in. Not to mention there was pizza, chips, pop and CAKE after they were done. Here is Aiden enjoying his pizza:

We did take advantage of the nicer weekend and take the kids sledding. Brendan had a blast and doesn't let some numb body parts from having some fun! Aiden on the other hand, well, it's not as fun for him. He doesn't like having the wind on his face at all and since he's so buddled up, doesn't really enjoy trying to walk or run around. He did take a ride down the hill several times with us though and was fortunate enough to have one of us (okay, Wellyn) pull him back up the hill too.

For Christmas, Wellyn's dad made me a shoe bench and coat rack with cubbies - it is perfect! Wellyn painted it and put it up over the weekend also. It has made a huge difference in our entry and in keeping the kids things picked up. Here it is after first being hung:

And after coming back from sledding (a great spot to hang damp clothing!):

Our past few weeks have been full of fun playdates with others and we still have some more lined up! We also were able to leave the boys with some friends and go on a 'date' by ourselves last Friday. Okay, we really did errands, but it was still fun! Brendan started his next level of swimming lessons last week and is doing great. He was a little nervous because he had a different coach, but she is amazing and has that 'kid humor' down pat. I do believe he's in love ;) And his old coach is teaching a few lanes over from him and always makes a big deal of Brendan entering the pool area - they should get bonuses for how fun and nice they are there! Tomorrow Aiden and I have our last ECFE class; I think we'll take a break from them until spring since we seem to be filling up our days and weeks as it is. Not to mention we're heading into the time of year when we miss the most classes due to illnesses. Other than that, we're just keeping busy with the normal things that make up our lives...
The bench and rack look great!
I love the new blog. It looks great!
Grandma Donna
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