Here are some pics of the boys being cute together ;)

And, the biggest news for Brendan - he lost his first tooth! It had been loose for over a week and was really bothering him the day it finally came out. He was able to get it out on his own, something I'm very thankful for - I did not want anything to do with trying to pull it out! The next morning he was up bright and early to see the letter the Tooth Fairy left him and count his money. He was excited that the Tooth Fairy had signed the letter "Love, The Tooth Fairy"...funny! Then he came home from school saying that his friend Marilyn had told him the Tooth Fairy wasn't real, it was really just his parents... That Marilyn, she's been nothing but trouble for me! She is also the one who told him that Obama steals money from people...

On Tuesday I picked him up from school and he wanted to hurry and get home so he could have a Q-tip for his ear...which made me ask "why". Which led to the answer, "there is a rock in my ear"..."how did a rock get in your ear?"..."I don't know"..."Did you put it in your ear?"..."no"..."Did someone else put a rock in your ear?"..."no"..."Did a rock accidentally fall in your ear?"..."YES!"....Hmmmm... So home we went and it turned out it wasn't a rock but half of a bean he had found on the carpet in class and put in his ear "to see if it would fit". I had to take a picture once I determined it wasn't going to be necessary to run to the ER. He finally let me use tweezers to get it out, but it was a lot of work talking him into it. I do believe he will not try that again!

In other news, Wellyn finished up the duplex and we signed a lease with a couple who will be moving in next month. This is one of the bedrooms before, one of the other ones was navy blue:

And after, a "little" more neutral:

This was the color of the living room to start:

And this was it after we were done (notice the new floor Wellyn put in!):

The kitchen before:

The kitchen after a new floor, new paint and a touch-up of the cabinets:

Hey there! WOw, that is a bit scary with the bean situation... and Marilyn is ruining all the fun for her classmates! The condo looks great! Congrats!
Yay for all the firsts! I can tell you this much - Brendan won't do that again. I got a Barbie Dumb Bell stuck in my ear when I was Brenda's age and I had to go to the Dr. to get it out. Talk about being a scared little girl! But funny how things accedentally fall into your ear like that! Good job on the duplex too! (I actually liked the before coloer too! lol) in the room not living room!
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