Here are the boys awaiting the start of the program.

Brendan and a very proud mom.

Aiden keeping busy trying to squish daddy's nose. He provided the pre-program entertainment for everyone seated in our area!

None of the photos turned out from during the ceremony, but here is a newly graduated Brendan right afterwards.

Brendan and some of the boys from his class.

His buddies Mason and Lucas...

Some shots of the family...

His two teachers, Mrs. Pramman and Mrs. Tommerdahl - very patient and creative ladies!

Afterwards everyone went to a nearby park to play and have a picnic. Here is Brendan with Bailey - he's had the biggest thing for her all year, and she never wants to play with him. He was really excited about going on the tire swing with her and her little sister. He's got good taste - she's a cutie!

I'll try to add some video later. The kids sang some songs and then each were called to get their "diploma" and shake the teachers' hands. Brendan is fighting some type of nasty virus right now so by the end of the whole thing he was pretty tired. Hopefully he'll be back to his old self soon!
Good job Brendan!!! See you in a couple weeks =)
Aunt Stacey
Did you know I went to graduation, that was the end of my school. If you want to know, maybe I'll send you a card.
(mom's not sure what the card part means ;)
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