I've been a little slow posting lately as both boys have been sick! Again! I feel like it's November all over... Aiden has had a fever, cough and now runny nose and has generally been miserable. Brendan is just coming down with it (and fighting it all the way!). Both kids will be staying home from daycare tomorrow so Wellyn ran out and got us a couple movies to pass the time - Bob the Builder and Bee Movie. We've hinted to Brendan he more than likely won't be able to go and he's sad (that kid LOVES his daycare!) and it's supposed to be rainy so I think some movies will be well received.
In other news, our closet is about half finished. It's so nice to be able to start putting some of our clothes away again. Maybe not the best plan to get rid of our dressers before the closet was done... I mean, even started!
Spring has officially arrived! The past two days we've spent almost two hours in the afternoon out at the playset. Brendan is loving building and digging in the sand and Aiden loves going down the slide and being in the swing. I'll have to take some pictures of them out there. It's so nice to just be able to go out and have it be warm! Brendan has gotten some use out of his new bike and Aiden really wants to learn how to ride one. He was happy tonight that Daddy got the bike trailer out and took for a spin in the neighborhood.
We're still working on the photos from Brendan's party. Wellyn is testing out some stuff so hopefully we'll have them all on the website soon. And, yes, I still have the pirate ship in the living room. I know it needs to go, but I'm so attached to it! I need to find another little boy (or girl) who would like to have a pirate party!
Not sure how it would take the travel, but cousin Max might LOVE to have a Pirate Party.............someday! Of course that might be 4 or 5 years away yet!
~Lindsey & Max~
Well, if Max loves pirates - I'll make him a new ship! Can't wait to meet the little man - take care!
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