The Tuesday after Labor Day is officially the 'end' of summer around here. First day back at school and getting back into the routine of getting ready, packing lunches, out the door, back again, dinner, homework and whatever other activity we have going on! It is an adjustment - for all of us :) Every now and then they go on the Leapster craze, and this was one of those weeks. They could hardly stop playing long enough for a photo - silly kids. I've been told several times by Brendan that we are the ONLY family without a video game system... but I did buy him a Wii shirt. Counts, right??
Our big 2nd grader... my how time flies.

Soccer games started the following weekend, but with Brendan still sick he didn't play. Aiden had his first 'real' game ever though. Unfortunately I was out of town with the girls so I missed it, but Wellyn took some photos!

While they were at soccer, I was hanging with the girls up north for some grown-up time! Our once a year trip to shop, watch HGTV, to go a chick-flick, eat places with no drive thru... very fun! Me and the gals out to dinner:

Back to school for Brendan also means Aiden doesn't have his favorite playmate here during the day, which leaves me! One day we spent more hours than I'd like to admit building a Lego space vehicle to capture bad guys and hopefully win a contest. He built and I find pieces for him. The result of our efforts:

Mid-September Aiden started preschool. He knew both of his teachers and several of the kids from last year so it was a much easier transition for him. The big difference this year is he stays until 1pm and eats a packed lunch there. Kind of a nice way to get ready for kindergarten!