Thankfully, the new medicine regiment got the hives under control and life was able to return to somewhat normal... for a bit. And then Brendan got them.
With any kind of repiratory illness, Brendan's asthma gets aggravated and this little bug was certainly no exception to the rule. Luckily, we were established with the specialist already so we skipped all the intermittent doctor appointments and went right to them. They had done blood work less than a week before to determine some info regarding his asthma and it showed his body was fighting a virus so we were able to do a lot over the phone and to directly to the pharmacy for his medicine.
The timing couldn't really have been worse since he was loaded on medicine for the start of school and coughing terribly, but he made it the first two days. Unfortunately, by the third day of school he was covered in hives again so we went to the specialist instead of school where they put him back on steroids and also an antibiotic for bronchitis and an ear infection - as if the hives weren't enough! She also gave strict instructions for him to stay home from school that day (Thursday) and the next as well as skip his weekend soccer game so his body could rest. None of those instructions went over very well; so disappointed to miss school. This was definitely one of the worst times they've been sick - not the 'cold' part of it, but the itching. I'll be more than happy for this particular illness to never darken our door again!
Under Attack
More Baseball, More Camping!
Kind of an unintentionally cool photo from the vacation bible school program.
A weekend of camping with more friends. This time we went to a local campground about 15 minutes from our house. This little pony was our best friend while we had a bag of corn to share. After the corn was gone we weren't nearly as interesting. The kids couldn't wait to take the banana bikes for a spin! The big kids, Wellyn and Steve, went along to 'supervise'. Unfortunately, the bikes were too big for Aiden and Grace, but they understood and handled it well. They fed the animals instead.
Practically impossible to get everyone lined up and looking!
Aiden hitching a ride - he had a lightening bolt on his forehead, but it ended up being a smear!
Playing in the water... we've noticed in other pictures he has his tongue out when running. Too funny!
Mason and Brendan... best buds.
Grace and Aiden, getting super dirty!
Aiden working his charm on little Sophia while the grown ups work on rounding up some food.
Camping at Lake Bemidji State Park
Every great camping adventure begins with a hearty breakfast :)
Target Field
Taking a break before bed to read a book.
Aiden at his first swimming lesson sessions. He was so excited to learn to swim; years watching his brother do things like this have prepared him for his turn.