Designed as things were in Minneapolis years ago...
Aiden running Thomas at the hands-on section.
I babysat a friends little girls for a couple of days and the kiddos all had a blast together. Melia and Aiden were in the same preschool class and are great little friends. Her baby sister Hayden is very popular with the boys!
Everyone safe and ready to ride!
Aiden at one of his last Jr. Kickers. It was super hot out - as you can tell from his cheeks! Brendan amusing himself while waiting for his brother to be done ;)
A trip to the local Toys R Us for a lego event. Kids got to build whatever they wanted and then take it home.
After the legos we went to the grocery store to buy individual cakes for Father's Day. The store had all sorts of colored frosting so the kids could decorate the cakes however they wanted.
Aiden had about an inch of colored frosting on his which got mixed/squished when we put the lid on.
Brendan's masterpiece. Some Father's Day hugs and presents.
Such cute guys!
Trip to Mc D's after a soccer game.
Our poor tree in the backyard after a storm. The following night the next storm knocked the rest of it down...