Here are a few pictures from Brendans' soccer games last Saturday. The team did really well even though they were down a few kids. It was so exciting to see them playing better and actually scoring! Brendans' favorite part is being the goalie - he really goes after the ball.

We left last Sunday for a sight-seeing trip in Western South Dakota. The boys were very excited about going although they didn't really understand everything we were going to see. The last days before we left they were packing everything under the sun to go! Our first night was spent in Kadoka, SD. You can tell we're on vacation when breakfast at the hotel starts with mini-donuts!

On from there to the Badlands. Breath-taking, awe-inspiring and quite hot while wee were there. The kids weren't too excited about this at first, but quickly got into 'exploring' ;)

On our way from the Badlands to Hill City we made a quick stop at the Dinosaur Park in Rapid City. The kids thought it was cool. We ate lunch at the cafe and the kids picked out some dinosaur shirts before we hopped back in the car for the hotel.

Our first morning in Hill City took us just a few blocks away for a ride on the 1880s train. It was the first time any of us had been on a train before and the kids were pretty excited... at first. As the train ride progressed they became a little less impressed with the whole thing ;) The scenery was nice and we learned some new things about the history of the area.

Brendan taking a break from looking out the window to read his lego magazine ;)

That evening we stopped in at Reptile Gardens. This was a huge hit with the kids.

Aiden checking out a huge green frog.

Brendan touching a Ball Python. Aiden wanted nothing to do with it!

After looking at some of the indoor creatures we headed out and caught the alligator show. This was rather entertaining and afterwards the kids had the opportunity to touch a small alligator. Aiden was not convinced touching an alligator was the thing to do! Maybe this means he won't be bringing creepy-crawling things home with him.

There were steps down under the prairie dog habitat and you could go up into this bubble to see them up close. The kids really liked this, especially since we'd seen a ton of prairie dogs at one of the rest areas on our way out there.

We were able to get up close with three of the tortises living there. Here is one that is 45 years old.

Aiden playing in the crazy mirrors - what a big head he has!!

Next morning we were off to Mount Rushmore - obviously!

A view from up close on the Presidential Trail and one from one of the little 'caves' made from the rubble of the blasting.

A huge mountain with some faces on it was not Aidens' idea of a great vacation... neither was a long walk with a lot of steps.

Leaving Mount Rushmore we took Iron Mountain road and then Needles Highway for some very scenic places. Here are some of the burros on the road through Custer State Park.

We stopped at Cathedral Spires to get out after Aidens' nap and do a little hiking in between rain showers.

Slyvan Lake; we only stopped here briefly due to the rain and everyone being hungry.

Brendan has been wanting to see dinosaur bones for a long time... he was very excited when we parked the car and told him we were going to see some. He had to 'get ready' and find a pen and notepad so he could write down the names of what he saw. Some T-rex up close!

A 'Terrible Crocodile'... yeah, no kidding!

Aiden just loved pretending to unearth a dinosaur skeleton; he did this pretty much the whole time we were there.

A trip back to the hotel for dinner, a swim in the pool and then out for ice cream and we were ready to walk around Hill City a little bit. It's a cute little town with lots of tourist shops, antique places and just fun artsy stores. The is a hybrid metal sculpture on the sidewalk I absolutely fell in love with!

Our last day in the area we started out at Bear Country. The kids liked it since they were able to unbuckle while we drove through and see the animals up close - very close!

Hanging out with the mascot - Aiden is not a fan of these mascots; won't go near them unless someone is holding him and won't touch them at all!

One of the baby wolves peeking out.

This was by far the best $2 we spent the whole trip - the kids got to be pulled behind a big mower and they thought it was great.

It started to rain and storm as we left Bear Country so what better thing to do next than head to a cave! We went to Sitting Bull Crystal Caverns so Brendan could see what a cave was like and see some of the real 'crystals'. It certainly isn't the most glamorous cave out there, but perfect for his first time. I think it was shocking for him since he kind of had a different idea of what it would look like from the lego movies of the Power Miners and Rock Monsters. It was A LOT of steep steps down, but he did awesome and Aiden was very brave being carried by his very brave father!

From there we went to the Air and Space Museum... another place Brendan took his notepad and pen to write everything down ;) Aiden hid behind the sign since he wasn't in the mood for a picture.

Aiden really liked the bombs...

but that wore off pretty quickly!

And then off to Keystone and a visit at the Presidential Wax Museum. The kids with President Obama.

We left not so early on Friday for Minnesota and stopped at Wall Drug for lunch and some fun. It was pouring by the time we were done eating so we just got back on the road.

All in all, it was a great trip with a lot of memories made. There were still things we just didn't have time to do, but there will always be next time! One highlight of the trip was a stop in Mitchell, SD, to see long-time friend Jodie. I can't believe we didn't take one picture! It was nice to see her in person if only for a short time and I hope to get to see her again sometime soon as we all make our travels.
Needless to say, our 4th has been pretty low-key. We didn't get home until 12:30am today and the kids weren't back to bed until 1:30am... Aiden was wide awake and apparently bitten by the silly bug so it was over another hour before he fell asleep. I think we'll skip the fireworks tonight and do some outside tomorrow instead. Have a happy and safe holiday!