Aiden was very meticulous about painting his little gourd.

The final product:

Here's Brendan with his pumpkin...

And then, they found the glitter glue... and it turned into this!

On Thursday, Donna and Herb arrived to take care of the boys while Wellyn and I headed out for Las Vegas to relax and celebrate our 10 years of marriage. The kids were super excited to see them and were ready to wrestle!

We had a good flight to Las Vegas with just a little turbulance over the Rockies. It was a few hours before we could check into our room so we walked through the courtyard at the Flamingo and grabbed some lunch. The flamingo habitat was beautiful and I loved the koi - I need to put a koi pond in here; heated of course, so the poor little guys don't freeze in the winter!

Our plan for the trip had been to take it easy and relax... we packed lots of books, sunscreen and planned to hang out at the pool for hours. And then we got there. There was so much to see and do, we ended up trying to fit as much as possible in - and the pool didn't make the cut!
After checking in, we headed out to explore. We walked through the Venitian which has such beautiful detailing. This is at the fountain in front of the Forum Shops by Caesar's Palace.

Of course we had to see the fountains at the Bellagio too.

We did a bus tour to the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead - a truly amazing sight. They are building a new bridge over the river since trucks are no longer permitted to use the dam for travel due to the risk of terrorism.

No trip would be complete without the sign!

Us (very tired!) after dinner at Caesar's Palace.

As much fun as we had, it was great to get home and see the boys. They were excited to see us and had all sorts of things to tell us about and show us. Grandma and Grandpa had kept them busy while we were gone!
Now, I'm really excited about planning our next "big" trip!